Every candidate who applies for permanent membership shall satisfy the following conditions.
He /She should be a permanent resident of Mangalore and shall reside within Mangalore City Corporation Limits.
He / She shall produce any one of the following as proof of residence.
(1) Employment letter with the location.
(2) Aadhar Card, Passport, Driving Licence, Ration Card.
Birth certificates/proof of age of all his / her children.
The managing committee shall have the right to reject any application if it is not convinced that the candidate is a permanent and current resident of Mangalore City. The decision of the Managing committee shall be final.
Rules (a) and (d) shall not apply to sons and daughters of Permanent Members of not less than ten years standing, life members, or privileged spouse members who are eligible.
The admission of Permanent Members shall be by ballot. Every candidate for election to permanent membership must be proposed by ONE Permanent or Life member and seconded by TWO Permanent or Life Members, all of whom should have been members of the club for not less than 60 calendar months, none of whom shall be members of the managing committee.
The Managing Committee will interview every candidate for permanent, corporate, and temporary membership. The candidate shall appear for the interview before the Managing Committee along with their proposer or seconders.
A candidate for permanent membership who has been found eligible by the Managing Committee shall be admitted as a Member pending Ballot for a minimum period of 30 days. After which, balloting will commence and be completed within four weeks. During this period, their proposer and seconders shall be responsible for all the debts to the Club that they may incur.
Every candidate’s name, address, and occupation, together with the names of their proposer and seconders, shall stand posted on the Notice Board of the Club for 4 weeks once they are found eligible by the Managing Committee.
However, in the case of a senior dependent member, balloting will be conducted immediately after being found eligible by the managing Committee.
A candidate may withdraw before the ballot commences by written communication to that effect addressed by themselves or their proposer to the Honorary Secretary.
Ballot papers signed by the Secretary or Joint Secretary and one other Committee Member should be available at the Club Office. Members should collect the ballot papers after signing a receipt for the same in the register provided for the purpose. The Ballot paper duly marked for or against in the appropriate column will be deposited in the Ballot Box during the period the Ballot Box is kept open as aforesaid. No Ballot paper can be taken outside the Club Office by any person whomsoever.
The Ballot Box shall be available for voting during the office hours of the Club.
After the expiry of four weeks, the ballot box shall be opened at the meeting of the Committee, and the votes will be counted. For every dissenting vote, three assenting votes shall be cancelled and shall not be counted, and unless a minimum of four valid assenting vote’s remains, the candidature will be deemed to have been rejected. Accordingly, the results will be declared and duly recorded by the Committee.
If it appears there has been any irregularity or deviation from the prescribed rules in the conduct of the ballot, the result shall not be declared. However, the ballot box shall be sealed, and the Committee will prepare a report. If the Committee declares the ballot void, a fresh ballot shall be held forthwith. The decision of the Committee as to whether a candidate has been duly selected or not shall be final.
Every candidate who has been rejected for membership may once again be proposed for membership after the expiry of a period of two years from the date of closing of the ballot in which they were rejected.
Every new member on admission shall be given a copy of the Club Rules and Regulations.
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